
Showing posts from April, 2017


Image          EVERY EFFORT IS MADE TO CONNECT WITH TEACHERS AND STUDENTS THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.     The facebook page specially designed for dissemination of mathematics knowledge is provided. Friends and others could connect through facebook for daily sharing of information and knowledge.    Twitter page dedicated to mathematics contain the comments and links provided by worthy mathematics teachers across the world. The teachers share their class experiences, methods used, tests, new experiments, links, problems, brain teasers, puzzles etc. Some of the Twitter friends are @GraphicMaths, @FunMathExpress, @MathsfrmScratch, @LetsTute, @mathsgrinds, @Getatutor1, @OnCourseK12, @CamiEducation, @Corbettmaths, @TeachFMaths.     Our blog has diverse content from the world of mathematics for both teachers and students as well as mathematics enthusiasts. The b...


Image                                                                 MATHGUIDE E-BOOK        Mathematics seems to be a difficult subject due to the lack of knowledge of basic facts of mathematics. Students lack the basic knowledge and are terrified by mathematics. This simple e-book 'Mathguide' covers some of the most basic facts about various topics of mathematics. Going through the book once, will be a confidence booster for the students. If parents are finding it difficult to help their kids in mathematics, then the book will help them revisit the basic mathematical know-how. The teachers can revise their learning from time to time by finding all the facts in such a compact form.       The topics covered are Number System, R...


Image                                                     MATHEMATICS RESOURCES 1.    SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many more. Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via interfaces or wrappers. ​2.    TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Everything we do supports learning — from producing a growing library oforiginal animated videos , to providing an international platform for teachers to create their own interactive lessons, to helping curious students around the ...


Image                                                               MATHEMATICS VIDEOS    Mathguide provide students opportunity of viewing some of the best videos on Mathematics available on youtube. Mathguide will try to find such educational videos from classes and private tutors across the world and provide it to the students. An effort is made for mathematics loving students across the globe. Now students don't have to waste time searching videos and losing their precious study hours.    Videos are a good source of 'Edutainment' - Entertainment and Education together. Students get a different perspective and find how other teachers across the world are teaching and could make suggestions in their classes. Videos help students understand the concepts easi...


Image                                                        ​​​ QUICK LEARN MATHEMATICS Quick Learn will help the students to learn basic concepts, formulae and tricks of mathematics in one go. Some very important topics are covered like volume of cube, tests of divisibility, sets, real number line, surds, sets, logarithms, triangles etc. During class tests, the students could go through the concepts and revise. The students will have the ease of quick content. It is like a flash card or a one page solution. Instead of details, effort is made to provide maximum content in a small space. These quick learn pages are summarized contents from my e-book MATHGUIDE available on amazon kindle store. More such quick learn pages will be added soon. Keep collecting these quicklearn pages on your tablets and smar...



Image MATHGUIDE     At Mathematics Guide, we approach each child as an individual. Mathematics understanding is foremost. Logical-Psychological approach is followed. Easy to Difficult, Concrete to Abstract and Learning by Doing Maxims of mathematics learning are followed. MATHEMATICS     Mathematics help students watch, move, touch and manipulate objects in order to understand their shape and structure. Mathematical representations fill the gap between concrete and abstract by drawing pictures, graphs and tables. Use of numbers and symbols with deep understanding of underlying ideas.  WHY CHOOSE MATHEMATICS GUIDE 1.       CHILD-FIR​ST 2.       LOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL 3.       FULL RANGE OF TIPS AND COURSES 4.       WORKSHEETS  AND TIMELY TESTING Child-First – Math Guide lays emphasis on ch...


Image MATHGUIDE E-BOOK Chapters NUMBER SYSTEMS 1.           NATURAL NUMBERS 2.           WHOLE NUMBERS 3.           INTEGERS 4.           RATIONAL NUMBERS 5.           IRRATIONAL NUMBERS     1. NATURAL NUMBERS (OR COUNTING NUMBERS)           {1,2,3,4…}        E.G.        A.  NUMBERS OF DAYS IN A WEEK.        B.  NUMBER OF PAGES IN A BOOK.        C.   NUMBER OF SCHOOLS IN A CITY.     2. WHOLE NUMBERS          {0,1,2,3, 4…}...